
Показано дописи з міткою "ГРУ"

This is, at first glance, an online publication ("Country") through which fakes are thrown. Shame on those "media" and those "journalists" who publish news with loud headlines, pointing to the "media" as a source of information, but in fact refer to the country. Seriously? We have been at war for 7 years, and you are quoting propaganda shit. To beat off hands (or keyboards) to these "smart people".

"Party Shariya" goes to the city council of Zaporozhye, which is shown by preliminary data of an anonymous selective poll of voters at the exit from polling stations. This was reported by the press service of the political force in its Telegram channel.

Бойовикам на Донбас женуть ешелони нових танків з Росії: розвідка повідомила подробиці

Доставка російського «гуманітарного конвою» у Києво-Печерську лавру зірвана через реакцію Петра Порошенка і його партії