
CASBT OSINT: Христо Грозєв (Досьє)

No, I knew, of course, that the USSR was a fake country. That everything was stolen there. From star: ext_5322906 — LiveJournal

While on the anniversary of the start of the war we traditionally find out who is the bigger Maidan, a patriot and savior of some cities in the southeast from the quilters, "they work"

(29) Przekazane przez Freethinker] Atak rosyjskiej miłości do Ukraińców.…: ext_5322906 — LiveJournal

(28) Foreign puppet websites are guarding Victor Medvedchuk's fakes // /// Іноземні лялькові веб-сайти охороняють фейки Віктора Медведчука: ext_5322906 — LiveJournal

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