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Cannibalism in Russia - Traditions and Mores


Cannibalism (from the French cannibale, Spanish canibal) - people eating human flesh (the term anthropophagy is also used ). In a broader sense - the eating of individuals of their own species by animals (read and see more → Cannibalism . The most famous cannibals of our time ).

The concept of cannibalism appeared simultaneously with the appearance of man and his occupation of the corresponding place in the food chain. I must say that chimpanzees, our closest relatives in the animal kingdom at the current moment of the evolutionary process, also practice this. But, they do not touch their own, but attack their neighbors. So people, as usual, have not invented anything new.

In the years of famine, human flesh was eaten even in the most civilized countries, although rarely. People less matured to civilization ate human flesh for a reason, and came up with a number of reasons. In particular, the belief was popular that the eater receives the qualities of the eaten, therefore they ate only the most powerful enemies. In other tribes, funerals were combined with food, so that the soul of the deceased was passed on to descendants (Did you think what a commemoration is?).

In biology, the concepts of "cannibal" and "cannibal" are not identical. A cannibal is any predator that eats a person (that is, for example, a man-eating tiger is not a cannibal). Household cannibalism was practiced at the earliest stage of the Stone Age; with the increase in food resources, it was preserved only as an exceptional phenomenon caused by hunger. In particular, the lack of food resources in the harsh living conditions explains the cannibalism of the Neanderthals. Religious cannibalism persisted longer, was expressed in the eating of various parts of the bodies of slain enemies, deceased relatives; was based on the belief that the strength and other properties of the killed were transferred to the eater.

In history, there are numerous cases of forced cannibalism, when people, facing the threat of starvation, were forced to eat the flesh of those who died a natural death before them for survival, or, less often, killed them themselves; in such a situation, the instinct of self-preservation usually turns out to be stronger than the moral taboo on cannibalism, although the psychological trauma and feelings of guilt in forced cannibals persist for a long time. Examples are the mass and special cases described below:

Famine in the Volga region (1921-1922)
Famine in Ukraine in 1932-1933
Famine in Kazakhstan in 1932-1933
Leningrad blockade
Vladimir Nikolaev - Russian serial killer and cannibal
Alexey Sukletin (1943-1987) - Soviet serial killer and cannibal

Cannibalism in Russia
Cannibalism during the famine in the Volga region, 1921 .

Eating their own kind is a long-standing Russian tradition. Also at Mamin-Sibiryak and V. Shishkov you can read about the hospitable Siberian hosts who let lonely travelers spend the night. And then, respectively, into the pan. This is how the psychotype of a lazy person and a bummer gradually crystallized - why sow something, grow something, etc. ... if food itself walks on the roads?

Under Soviet rule, cannibalism flourished. Translation of the inscription: corpse eaters and the remains of their victims.

Even the official posters of those years did not deny cannibalism:

An interesting call: "there are foreign bourgeoisie."

But appetite, as they say, comes with eating. And they began not only to eat human flesh themselves, but also to sell it in bazaars.

Oh yes business! The foreign bourgeoisie would never have thought of it. Here she is, as Zadornov says, a Russian thinker! Where are the stupid Pindos!
The war brought nothing new. I do not mean the blockade of Leningrad - it is common knowledge about cannibalism in Leningrad. I'm talking about the eating of their comrades by Soviet soldiers.

Finnish soldiers displaying Soviet soldiers' skins near Maaselkä, on the strand of lake Seesjärvi during Continuation War on the 15th of December in 1942. Original caption: "An enemy recon patrol that was cut out of food supplies had butchered a few members of their own patrol group, and had eaten most of them. " ("Vihollisen vakoilupartio, jäätyään muonalähetyksiä vaille, oli teurastanut pari saman partion jäsentä ja syönyt niistä suurimman osan."). Translation: Finnish soldiers display the skin of a Soviet soldier near Maaselkä, on the shores of Lake Seesjärvi, during a prolonged war on December 15, 1942. Original signature: An enemy reconnaissance patrol, cut off from food supplies, hacked to death several members of their group and ate most of them.
I thought for a long time: why did you need to remove the skin? Then I realized. Reconnaissance group behind enemy lines. Not one day. We haven't washed for a long time. They stank.

The lid of a mess-tin and the rib-bones of a Russian soldier photographed at Leipäsuo in the Karelian Isthmus in March 1942. Apparently the incident involved a Russian infiltrator behind Finnish lines, and the victim was an Ingrian colleague. The photograph was captioned incorrectly in the print paper as being from 1943, but even in March 1942 Leipäsuo was very much in Finnish hands. " Translation: The lid of the bowler hat and human bones are the ribs of a Soviet soldier. Photographed at Leipäsuo on the Karelian Isthmus in March 1942. The incident is probably related to the Soviet penetration of the Finnish positions, and the victim is allegedly a "colleague of Ingrian". The photo on the back incorrectly printed 1943, although even in March 42 Leipäsuo was in Finnish hands.

The losses of the USSR by the missing amounted to about 4.5 million people. Now it is clear where they disappeared? And that not all of them lie unburied?

The inhabitants of occupied Russia did not lag behind the Big Earth.

Order of the German commandant's office in Uritsk, Leningrad region.


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