The European Parliament resolution, which proposes key positions in EU-Russia relations, calls on the EU to be ready to stop Russia from further aggression with tougher sanctions and to get rid of dependence on Russian energy resources.

The European Parliament resolution, which proposes key positions in EU-Russia relations, calls on the EU to be ready to stop Russia from further aggression with tougher sanctions and to get rid of dependence on Russian energy resources. Among other things, they call to prevent the launch of the Nord Stream-2 gas pipeline.


It was approved with 494 votes in favor, 103 against. 72 deputies abstained.

A large block of the document is devoted to Russia's actions that undermine security in Europe, including in the context of the aggression against Ukraine.

The parliamentarians urge to pay attention to the latest National Defense Strategy of the Russian Federation, which officially recognizes the anti-Western vector of Russian policy and emphasizes the fundamental and systemic incompatibility of the socio-political systems of Russia and the West.

"The EU must make it clear that there can be no" business as usual "with Russia until it stops its aggressive policy and hybrid aggression against the EU, member states and the Eastern Partnership countries and until the territorial integrity of Georgia is restored, Moldova and Ukraine within their internationally recognized borders. The EU should ensure that the sanctions remain until the Russian Federation fulfills the conditions for their lifting, and should consider the possibility of continuing them once a year, rather than once every 6 months, "the text says.

The parliamentarians note that the EU, together with NATO and international partners, must restrain Russia to maintain peace and stability in Europe and beyond, strengthening its own defense capabilities and putting pressure on the Russian authorities so that the Russian Federation does not interfere in the affairs of the EU's eastern and southern neighbors.

It is noted that the EU should be ready to call for disconnecting Russia from the SWIFT payment system in order to restrain the Russian government from further aggression, and gradually stop the import of Russian natural gas and oil, if the Kremlin does not stop threats against EU member states and military aggression against countries. " Eastern Partnership ". To improve energy security, they urge to synchronize the power grids of all member states and prevent a new expansion of Russian nuclear energy in the EU.

"The EU must create a clear strategy on how to end its dependence on Russian gas, oil and raw materials, in particular iron, steel, aluminum and nickel, and increase its energy independence - at least for as long as Putin remains in power," they call deputies.

Separately, it is noted that the Russian gas pipeline "Nord Stream-2" harms European solidarity and only increases the EU's dependence on Russian gas and security issues risks for Ukraine.

"The construction of Nord Stream 2 ... should be stopped immediately and it should not be put into operation, even if the construction is completed," the MEPs emphasize.

They separately mention the illegal occupation and illegal annexation of Crimea and the de facto occupation of part of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions and the violation of human rights in these territories, including the recent arrests of Crimean Tatars, and call on the bloc to put pressure on Russia through international organizations, as well as to facilitate the work of the Crimean platforms.

The parliamentarians call for demanding that Russia interact constructively in the Normandy format and fulfill its obligations under the Minsk agreements. Among other things, they call to explore the possibility of transatlantic cooperation in this matter.

They also call to expand the scope of sanctions for the illegal issuance of Russian passports and the organization of illegal elections in the occupied Crimea, and to "increase the price for Russia" for blocking the implementation of Minsk and progress in the Normandy format, in coordination with the United States, Britain, Canada and other partners, and also close loopholes to circumvent existing sanctions.

The MPs urge EU intelligence agencies to strengthen cooperation in order to systematically expose unfriendly actions of Russia, in particular to more effectively prevent Russian intelligence services from operating in EU countries, and to work with partners on new measures to curb Kremlin-sponsored terrorism. “The EU must invest in projects that will enhance its security and overall capability in the military, cybersecurity and energy sectors,” the text says.

The need is noted to counteract Russian-language propaganda and disinformation in Russia itself, the countries of the Eastern Partnership and the EU itself by supporting independent media and launching a full-fledged Russian broadcaster that will operate 24/7.

The problem of Russian influence in the Western Balkans and Putin's support for the regime of Alexander Lukashenko in Belarus are mentioned separately. “The EU and the member states must make it clear that they will not accept any attempts to include Belarus in Russia, since this will be done against the will of the Belarusian people and the negotiations will be conducted by an illegitimate leader,” the MPs note.

The parliamentarians call on the EU to recognize the European aspirations of its neighboring countries and reject Russia's policy of division into spheres of influence, further support democratic transformations in the Eastern Partnership countries and strengthen cooperation with them.

As previously reported, the document also calls for the fight against "dirty funds" from Russia and to expose the resources and financial assets of autocrats and oligarchs associated with the regime, which are hidden in the EU member states, and also to support Russian civil society.

"The EU should take into account various possible scenarios for the development of relations between the EU and Russia, as well as the situation in Russia. The EU should have a vision and strategy for future relations with a free, peaceful, democratic Russia, which will respect international law and the principles of good neighborliness," the resolution.

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У Вашингтона есть несколько санкционных сценариев для Москвы

Вашингтон, вероятно, рассматривает сразу несколько санкционных мер в отношении РФ: наряду с отключением от системы SWIFT речь может идти о запрете американским компаниям работать в России и даже о запрете на использование доллара для расчетов с ней, хотя это нанесет большой удар по бизнесу США, заявил РИА Новости президент Американской торговой палаты в РФ (AmCham) Алексис Родзянко.

«Если в результате санкций американским компаниям запретят работать в России, им придется свой бизнес либо продать, либо закрыть.

Конечно, такое развитие событий ударит по бизнесу США, но в отношении России эффект от подобной меры будет более мощным. Дело в том, что американский бизнес принимает сегодня активное участие в российской экономике», — сказал он РИА Новости.

Угрозы экономических санкций против России в очередной раз прозвучали в ходе недавних переговоров президентов России и США Владимира Путина и Джо Байдена, прошедших в закрытом режиме в начале декабря.

Президент США заявил, что в случае эскалации напряженности вокруг Украины, Запад ответит новыми коллективными экономическими санкциями. Аналитики предположили, что речь могла идти о возможной финансовой изоляции России, отключения ее от международной межбанковской системы передачи информации и совершения платежей SWIFT.

«Отключение России от системы SWIFT, с одной стороны, вполне реально, с другой — это не такая уж страшная угроза для нее», — считает президент AmCham.

Он пояснил, что существует немало других альтернативных безопасных систем межбанковских коммуникаций, хотя признал, что если отключение произойдет, последствия «запомнят россияне надолго, ведь пока разберутся, что к чему, могут быть заблокированы банковские карты, могут остановиться форексные сделки доллар-рубль».

Еще одной серьезной экономической мерой, которая сильно ударит по России, может стать запрет на использование ею доллара, считает Родзянко.

«Ведь Россия экспортирует газ и нефть за американскую валюту, и в этом случае она не сможет ее получать», — пояснил он. Однако данный запрет все-таки представляется маловероятным. «Это — палка о двух концах. Доллар и сами США от таких санкций пострадают не меньше, если не больше», — сказал Родзянко.

При этом президент AmCham назвал «хорошим сигналом», что на уровне глав государств была признана важность дипломатической темы — решения вопросов, связанных с сокращением дипмиссий, закрытием консульских служб, выдачи виз. «Но правда и то, что об этом и раньше говорилось, но ни к чему не приводило.

Первый блин получился комом (во время встречи Путина и Байдена летом — ред.), может, теперь начнутся подвижки. Я надеюсь на это, так как для меня, для бизнеса — эта тема номер один», — заключил Родзянко.

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