In the story of Gogilashvili, who is rude to his subordinates, the most surprising questions are: This man has crazy power in his hands.


In the story of Gogilashvili, who is rude to his subordinates, the most surprising questions are: "Where did they come from?" I want to part with my hands. Ladies and gentlemen, in the spring of 2019, the author of these lines shouted that the consequence of what the authorities are doing to amateurs will be two things - paralysis of the management system and blatant arbitrariness of "new faces". You don't have to be a prophet to know that. You just have to know a little bit about life.

The authorities are corrupting. And absolute power corrupts absolutely. In the West, it is not for nothing that top managers are not "new faces", but people who have decades of work in government agencies and a party career behind them. Because the position of Deputy Minister is too serious. This man has crazy power in his hands. A person who became a deputy minister after decades of ascension on all previous levels, knows how to use this power and what can not be done to end his career ingloriously.

But the Ukrainians wanted "new faces not spoiled by the system", ie magicians who will solve all their problems for them in their country. Ukrainians voted for "just good guys", and so the deputy secretary of the president's husband became deputy interior minister. And having got to heads of the whole Ministry of Internal Affairs the husband of the secretary fucked up from opportunities. And began to behave accordingly.

It is already known - he has long been rude to subordinates and behaved like a corrupt panicker. It's just that now the information has come out - and society was shocked.

Everything is logical. Everything is as it should be. When you appoint a dilettante by the authorities, you must understand that the "guy from the people" who will come will disperse the corrupt and make the people happy, as it usually happens in fairy tales. In reality, a guy from the people, savoring power quickly becomes much worse than those who criticize whom he becomes power. Because he doesn't know how to manage well - he has never done that. And power is a lot of temptations. To withstand them, you need a lot of strength and motivation. And what is the motivation of yesterday's head of the NGO, who today becomes the Deputy Minister of Security?

Everything is simple. I think we will soon learn a lot from the realities of other departments. For example, how is it for intelligence officers to serve under the leadership of Letoha Bakanov? Is there something going on around yesterday's journalist Kirill Tymoshenko, who is currently in charge of the Great Construction? See you soon.

And don't be surprised. It's not some monster. It's just new faces.



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