What is the new national standard for the burial of corpses about?


What kind of national standard on mass graves was adopted in Russia?


From February 1, 2022, the national standard of the Russian Federation on mass evacuations and burials of people in peacetime (GOST R 42.7.01-2021 Civil Defense. Urgent burial of corpses in wartime and peacetime. General requirements) will come into force. The corresponding document is published on the website of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and legal portals. The document was developed by the All-Russian Research Institute for Civil Defense and Emergency Situations of the Russian Emergencies Ministry. It was accepted in September 2021.

What is the new national standard for the burial of corpses about?

The 15-page document contains clear regulations and technical specifications describing how to properly organize an urgent mass burial of people or animals. In particular, the parameters of mass graves, burial methods, the number of equipment and people needed for work were determined. The recommendations were drawn up by the Ministry of Emergency Situations and are intended primarily for regional authorities.

“This standard establishes general requirements for the organization and conduct of a set of measures for the burial of the corpses of people and animals who died during military conflicts or as a result of these conflicts, as well as, if necessary, as a result of peacetime emergencies,” the general requirements of the national standard.

The national standard does not contain information about the specific cases in which urgent burials are necessary (except for general phrases about the burial of bodies in wartime and peacetime).

Recall that the previously effective methodological recommendations, approved in 2015 by the Ministry of Emergency Situations, were designed for the burial of bodies only in wartime and in the event of death in man-made and natural emergencies. In the new GOST, the technical requirements for the burial of people in wartime now apply to peacetime.

AiF.ru gives the main excerpts from the regulatory document.

Who is responsible for emergency burials?

Special teams (groups) for the urgent burial of bodies of "civil defense, internal affairs and public services," the GOST says. They are obliged to create on a freelance basis the subjects of the Russian Federation and local governments. They will be called NFGO (non-staff formations to ensure the implementation of civil defense measures).

It is also recommended to create NFGOs on the basis of specialized ritual organizations (regardless of the form of ownership).

For urgent burial of corpses, the regions must provide themselves with a supply of coffins (and materials for their manufacture), pathological bags, and bleach (for disinfection). The subjects of the Russian Federation will also determine the places of future burials.

Management and control over the activities of the NFGO were transferred to the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation.

How will the urgent burial of the dead be organized?

According to the standards, the mass grave should be 20 meters long, 3 meters wide, and 2.3 meters high. To prepare for a mass grave, the NFSF teams will be engaged in the following types of work:

  • development of a foundation pit for a mass grave;
  • preparation of a pit for the burial of bodies (remains);
  • preparation of bodies (remains) of the dead for burial;
  • layout of the first row of bodies (remains) of those killed in mass graves;
  • backfilling of the first row of bodies (remains) of the dead;
  • laying out the second row of bodies (remains) of those who died in mass graves;
  • backfilling of the second row of bodies (remains) of the dead;
  • backfilling of mass graves.

“To carry out work on the direct burial of 1,000 people within three days, it will be necessary to involve two units of engineering equipment and 16 people from the personnel of teams (groups) for the urgent burial of the corpses of the NFCS. If only the personnel of teams (groups) for the urgent burial of corpses are involved, the NFCS will need to involve 250 people, ”the standard says.

Will these be mass graves with unknown corpses?

As stated in GOST, burial can be carried out only if there is a medical and state certificate of death and after the identity of the deceased has been identified. If it is difficult to identify a person, then forensic experts and geneticists should be involved (at the request of the medical institution issuing a death certificate).

In those situations where death occurred as a result of an explosion or other emergency, due to which the remains of a person cannot be found, the fact of his death is confirmed by eyewitnesses.

In the event of the death of foreign citizens, the issues of their burial (repatriation) must be agreed with the embassies or consulates of the respective states. If the identity is not established, then they will be buried in special areas of cemeteries, without cremation, the standard says.

It is noted that the bodies in mass graves should be in separate coffins. The distance between them during burial should be at least 0.5 meters.

“Burial in one coffin, capsule or urn of the remains or ashes, respectively, of several dead is not allowed,” the GOST emphasizes.

How will infected people be buried?

For this category of persons, separate rules are prescribed in GOST: zinc coffins or cremation.

“In order to prevent the spread of especially dangerous infectious diseases, the process of burying those who died from an infection of unclear etiology, as well as from especially dangerous infections (who died in medical institutions or entered the pathoanatomical department for autopsy), is carried out in galvanized, hermetically sealed coffins directly from the pathoanatomical department,” - said in the document.

It is also noted that health authorities have the right to require the cremation of the remains if they can become a source of "infectious danger to the population or an epidemic."

The burial of the dead with a high radioactive background should be organized in separate places.

What other types of burials of people in peacetime and wartime are provided?

According to GOST, there are several types of burial of corpses or remains of the dead:

  • burial in a grave;
  • cremation followed by burial of an urn with ashes;
  • water (without specification).

It is not allowed to carry out burials in the territory:

  • sources of water supply;
  • mineral spring;
  • on the shores of lakes, rivers and other surface water bodies used by the population for household needs, bathing and cultural and recreational purposes;
  • where there is a possibility of karst rocks, flooding, landslides, landslides and marshy places coming to the surface;
  • burial places should not be located near residential, public buildings, sports and health and sanatorium areas;
  • burial sites should be located at a distance of at least 300 m from the boundaries of the residential area (land intended for future development).

What do experts say about the national GOST on mass graves of people?

Political scientist Julius Nisnevich believes that the document can simply cover up the existing shortcomings in the legislation and be associated with past wars.

“It is clear that no real war is needed by anyone. It's like playing with muscles. I'm not sure about the alarmist ideas that someone is preparing for something. If something serious was being prepared, it would have been designed a little differently, ”Nisnevich told Novye Izvestiya.

According to the publication, Viktor Baranets, who was Vladimir Putin's confidant in the elections , explained that this GOST was adopted in case of insurance due to coronavirus infection.

“The law was being prepared for six months, so you know. We have not yet had forecasts about how the Russian people will die, whether it will be a thousand a day, or 20 thousand a day. All this requires an adequate response from the state, so that they don’t whine, whine and say: here, Mishustin, how many people are dying, and people are lying on the roads. The state decided to play ahead of the curve and insure itself in case things go along a critical path, ”Viktor Baranets told Novye Izvestia.

Sources of information: www.mchs.gov.ru/ , base.garant.ru , newizv.ru/



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