The February Revolution began precisely on March 8, 1917, with a demonstration of women suffragettes

 ... according to the link - the official version of March 8.

....and here is mine:

The February Revolution began precisely on March 8, 1917, with a demonstration of women suffragettes (from the French suffrage - suffrage) on Nevsky Prospekt, after the spread of rumors launched by German provocators that in the Capital of the Empire, in the third year of the Great War - THERE MAY BE INTERRUPTIONS WITH WHITE BREAD... no! not at all interruptions in bread, but only CAN BE and ONLY WITH WHITE BREAD ... which was a lie! The Empire hardly noticed the War! They worked as usual - restaurants, theaters, universities, factories, markets, shops, stations, ports, courts, lawyers, notaries, newspapers, magazines, banks, casinos, exchanges ... but there was Prohibition! and vodka in restaurants was served in teapots. And the soldiers recruited from the villages really did not want to leave the city for the front by the beginning of spring and the sowing season ...


The streets of the cities of the Empire were walking, as always before - both local residents and captured German + Austrian officers, in uniforms with epaulettes + orders and with personal weapons - dragged behind the ladies. Captured soldiers worked as shoemakers, bakers, loaders, and replaced those who had left for the front.

In those days, prisoners could NOT STOVE in their camps, it was enough just to name the address where to look for it, in case they received a parcel from their homeland or the deadline for changing the military uniform assigned to each prisoner of war on the service sheet ...

... so the red-ass bandits shamefacedly hide this date!

... but this is March 8 according to the new style, and this date is February 23 according to the old style! Therefore, the thieves found another holiday out of thin air - they composed garbage about the Red = Lice Army, which at that time was not even defeated in 1918, but left the front near Narva-Pskov with a hangover and retreated in trains to Tomsk! ... and the bloodsucker Dybenko, the commander of the shobla, was then wanted for half a year by the "tsik" for execution :)))

So both days turned out to be slandered, and on March 8 it was also captured by lesbians, tk. this is the most understandable form of equality between M and F, shouldn't the girls go into the mine?

...and no one still knows the start date of the REAL Revolution! not a gangster military coup in November...

By the way, the Tsar abdicated the throne after a week of pogroms ... there was almost no shooting ...

... in St. Petersburg, only, I forgot some kind of regiment, locked myself in the barracks and declared loyalty to the Tsar, but other revolutionary soldiers, between two glasses, rolled cannons at close range and the barracks surrendered. According to an old beautiful rural custom - the winners and the vanquished together drank hard for the Fighting Friendship ...

... but all the policemen and gendarmes, crowds of soldiers and pro-Letargics, brutalized from unrestrained drinking, were torn in the streets, hung on trees, drowned in ice holes ... and no one went to the front ... what is joy about?

Now everything in a pair looks like a mirror! maybe there is a desire to REPEAT? ;)))…



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