Darwin prize for these guys! Two!

 Darwin prize for these guys! Two!

Near Marinka AFU 🇺🇦 destroyed a very interesting specimen of Russian T-72B3 tank (https://t.me/ochen_zloy_chat/495078).  

The thing is that this tank had the henhouse on the turret "reinforced" with "Contact-1" dynamic protection units.🤦‍♂️

Yes, yes, you are not mistaken, it is the DZ on the henhouse.

I do not know, what motivated the dusky "geniuses" who created this "creation", because the coops, according to the plan they were supposed to protect the ROAD tanks from single-band and 2-band infrared and multispectral optoelectronic warheads dive at angles of 35 and more degrees, did not work.

But, they did not work, not because they lacked the decoys on the grids, but because the aforementioned means captured not the tank's turret as such, but its heat-emitting areas, first of all the engine compartment and secondly the gun after making the shot. 

Well, the first chicken coop upgrade was "successfully" tested under real combat conditions. "Successful", as they say - on the face.

On the other hand, it is gratifying that the Russians are experimenting with things that fundamentally don't work and are pointless. The degradation of technical thought.



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