Garlic cat draws a triangle


Garlic cat draws a triangle
2 min
May 9, 2020

Install i2p first

Under your OS from the manual on the office

Under the bubunta, so that it was quickly STE like this: 

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:i2p-maintainers/i2p

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install i2p

Launching i2p

i2prouter start

Nastraivaem tunnels

Let's jump:

And we do the same as in the video.

Wait until the green lights up!

All this can be done in the console, the browser is not required

Downloading the cat:

git clone

We jump into her folder and collect a cat from spare parts:



autoreconf -f



sudo make install

She can resist, I gathered from the second time🤷🏻‍♂️

Check that the cat is alive, poke with a stick:

ocat -h

Install network tools if you don't have them:

sudo apt-get install net-tools

Ask the cat for your ipv6 address from a parallel universe:

cat -i 4ayxej4nhozhffpty5lp6ozezdno3tsm73gxo5u6e3gtydgi74cq.b32.i2p

Jump on the second wheelbarrow

Dance there just like you danced on the first

Create a config for the kitty

On both cars, create a file with cat configs, I have it here:

nano $HOME/i2p/hosts.gc

In this config, write your values, but like this:

# onioncat-A

fd60:db4d:ddb5:7769:e26c:d3c0:cc8f:f050 4ayxej4nhozhffpty5lp6ozezdno3tsm73gxo5u6e3gtydgi74cq.b32.i2p

# onioncat-B

fd60:db4d:ddb5:6a5d:f025:8acf:fa1d:f7d0 o43vlw4vvdmlxxtfgakntlqbzrzztqzoqhh6njo7ajmkz75b356q.b32.i2p

I don't understand, see the video.

Throw the cat in the air with words

sudo gcat -B -U -g /home/treug/i2p/hosts.gc o43vlw4vvdmlxxtfgakntlqbzrzztqzoqhh6njo7ajmkz75b356q.b32.i2p

and on another wheelbarrow with the words:

sudo gcat -B -U -g /home/treug/i2p/hosts.gc 4ayxej4nhozhffpty5lp6ozezdno3tsm73gxo5u6e3gtydgi74cq.b32.i2p

The cat is a little sloup, but it should snort.

Check that two cats are stuck together:

ping6 fd60:db4d:ddb5:6a5d:f025:8acf:fa1d:f7d0

Then you are free to float, and your open-world MMORPG begins, you can build tunnels, route traffic, exchange data and do unnecessary nonsense, as I do.



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