Parade notes... #T62M

Parade notes... #T62M


The old Soviet #T62 tanks are becoming OPVs in the #RussianArmy. I predicted this back in 2022 and this phenomenon is quite natural, for a country with degraded #MilitaryIndustrialComplex, which Russia is.

But still... a word about degradation from one photo.

Here is a photo from a parade in the vast Russian f*cking country, where the 103rd armoured repair plant's T-62 tanks were shown.

These tanks show everything that does not make them more combat-ready and armoured, but what makes them less effective.

So, the T-62M tanks have been "improved" by installing passive protection in the form of metal-polymer blocks on the VHR and dynamic protection "Contact-1". At first glance this should increase the armour protection of the tank. In fact it does not.

To be more precise, not a categorical "no", but not at all.

The thing is that installing on the T-62 tanks the metal-polymer blocks or the DZ "Contact-1" allowed to increase the survivability against tanks of that period - 1960s, that is the caliber of the guns up to 115-mm, as well as the means to defeat infantry, #RPG7.

If we talk about modern weapons, such as 125-mm armor-piercing sub-caliber and shaped charge shells, as well as ATGC, such as #StugnaP, not to mention #Javelin, they can penetrate this puff paste for good. So, increase of armour protection without much influence on the tank? Not really...

There is an influence on the tank, and a significant one. The fact is that when metal-polymer blocks were mounted on the T-62 it greatly increased the impact on its running gear.

The increased pressure on the track rollers led to deformation of tyres and increased wear of standard units.

Balancer tails failed non-stop due to high suspension loads. The power capacity of the hydraulic shock absorbers is reduced, and the bolt fixings of the drive wheel rings are destroyed more rapidly due to the increased traction forces.

In addition, the tank, already lacking in mobility and capable of a maximum speed of 50 km/h, was much reduced in performance when fitted with a passive safety kit. Now just imagine what mobility of the T-62 with the Contact-1 armor and armor-piercing protection all together would be like?

But the main thing is that in addition to the abovementioned there is a hollow hollow charge grid, which can weigh from half a ton up to one ton, depending on vision of the "genius" who welded it. That's another extra load. Well, don't forget, that in the BT zone they will also get a henhouse on the turret.

The tank receives a heavy armor cladding, which in the modern battle will save him except for the RPG-7, thus significantly reducing its #Mobility and #Reliability.

 #T62 #RussianArmy #MilitaryIndustrialComplex #ArmourProtection #MetalPolymerBlocks #DynamicProtection #Survivability #RPG7 #ArmorPiercing #StugnaP #Javelin #Mobility #Reliability #TankConservationists #Degradation. 



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