The Wagner rebellion strengthened Patrushev's group. But Russia faces a new rebellion


The Wagner rebellion strengthened Patrushev's group. But Russia faces a new rebellion

By Kavkaz-Center
3 min

Prigozhin's rebellion led to an increase in the influence and powers of the FSB group, controlled by Nikolai Patrushev, the secretary of the Russian Security Council. This group is not under the jurisdiction of the Kremlin administration.

She is still playing her game to increase the power of Dmitry Patrushev, Russia's current minister of agriculture. This explains Moscow's demand to reconnect Rosselkhozbank to SWIFT (the bank is in the sphere of influence of Dmitry Patrushev).

Using a network of companies financed by the Russian Agricultural Bank, Dmitry Patrushev retains control over the acquisition of foreign companies in Russia, claims the Robert Lansing Institute (RLI), which, judging by the nature of the information, uses the Kremlin insider source “General SVR” and “exclusive” leaks of Putin’s “secrets” from Professor Valery Soloviev.

Recall that, according to the former agent of the KGB residency in Washington, ethnic Ukrainian Yuriy Shvets, the telegram channel "General SVR" and Valery Solovey act as a channel for active events of the Patrushev group.

Meanwhile, the authors of the material from RLI write that the growth of Patrushev's influence is allegedly manifested in direct accusations against Putin during video conferences and sharp criticism of the army leadership by refuting his reports to the head of state.

The publication emphasizes that the rebellion has clearly weakened the central government in Moscow and another coup is quite possible. The Kremlin regime is now weak enough to resist the insurgency.

According to the authors of the material, Putin sought to avoid public discussions about traitors in the army. However, this had the opposite effect: the Kremlin demonstrated its weakness and impunity for the uprising.

The post further says:

In the next six months, this may lead to new demarches. They may be provoked by the failures of the military command in Ukraine against the backdrop of continued pressure from the president for successful results on the front lines.

While the war in Ukraine continues, the players of the military bloc are confident in their immunity. However, in the event of major losses and defeat at the front, Putin will have to look for those responsible; this increases the risks for the Kremlin from the military, who will seek to evade responsibility, both to the president and to the International Tribunal.

The uprising also influenced Putin's behavior. He manifests himself as indecisive, slow in making decisions. Obviously, the rebellion destabilized the president and made him wary of making any radical decisions that could change the behavior and influence the loyalty of his entourage.

As for Prigozhin, he moves freely around Russia, continues to do business and enters into government contracts. After the coup, his structures signed nine contracts totaling $11 million.

All statements by Putin's press secretary about his meetings with Prigozhin and some Wagner PMC commanders turned out to be fake, write the authors of the material, repeating word for word the statement of Valery Solovy and the SVR General, who actively refute Peskov's report about such a meeting.

The authors of the article write:

This fact itself also signals the possibility of maintaining contact with the Kremlin in the event of a demarche. Prigozhin's temporary immunity can be explained by the fact that he has information and control over certain tangible assets located in Africa (probably in the Central African Republic). This explains Putin's decision to give Wagner the go-ahead to continue operations in the Central African Republic.

The authors of the material write that the rebellion strengthened the positions of the Kovalchuk and Rotenberg brothers. At the same time, the Kovalchuks have a close relationship with Prigogine.

It is possible that this group is banking on Kiriyenko as a potential successor to Putin.

The RLI publication repeats the version of "General SVR" and Valery Solovyov that Putin is ill. That is why, he allegedly, less and less often shows himself at official events, and uses doubles.

Заголовок: Патрушевська група посилила свої позиції після повстання Вагнера, але Росію чекає нове повстання

Підзаголовок: Вплив розколу на кремлівську адміністрацію та загроза нових демаршів


Стаття розповідає про підвищення впливу і політичних позицій групи, контрольованої Ніколаєм Патрушевим, секретарем Ради безпеки РФ, після повстання проти Євгенія Прігожина. Ця група діє поза юрисдикцією кремлівської адміністрації та продовжує свою гру з метою підсилення впливу Дмитра Патрушева, діючого міністра сільського господарства Росії.

Абзац під опис для пошукових роботів:

Стаття детально аналізує вплив розколу між Патрушевими та Прігожиним на політичну ситуацію в РФ. Вона наводить приклади дій групи Патрушева, а також згадує про можливість нових демаршів та перепалок в кремлівській еліті.

Теги (keywords):

Патрушев, Прігожин, РФ, політика, Рада безпеки, повстання, кремлівська адміністрація, політична боротьба, вплив, Російська Федерація.

Гештеги (hashtags) для Twitter:

#Патрушев #Прігожин #РФ #політика #Радабезпеки #повстання #кремлівськаадміністрація #політичнаборотьба #вплив #РосійськаФедерація #новини #російськаеліта #конфлікти #політичніспір #секретарРадибезпеки.

Заключення (висновок):

Стаття підсумовує політичні розбіжності в Російській Федерації після повстання Вагнера та підкреслює можливу загрозу нових демаршів у кремлівській еліті. Конфлікт між групою Патрушева та Прігожина зміцнив позиції першої та викликав занепокоєння уряду Путіна. Зберігання балансу в ситуації може виявитись непростим завданням для кремлівських еліт, і можливі нові перетини меж, що вплинуть на політичну стабільність країни.

The authors of the article write that at the moment there is a consolidation of the Kremlin clans against the Patrushev-FSB group, which is likely to incite scandals in the media. However, these elites are not strong enough to undermine the influence of the security forces, Putin's only guarantors of security since the recent coup.

Department of Monitoring



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