Uncovering the Executor of Prigozhin's Elimination: Insights from British Intelligence


British intelligence has identified the executor of the operation to eliminate Prigozhin

By Kavkaz-Center 

British intelligence suspected involvement in the death of the leader of the Wagner gang Prigozhin, General Andrei Averyanov, allegedly responsible for the chemical attack in Salisbury in 2018.


Uncovering the Executor of Prigozhin's Elimination: Insights from British Intelligence


Exploring the Connection Between Prigozhin's Death and GRU Unit 29155



Published by: Kavkaz-Center kavkazcenter.com  

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Recent revelations from British intelligence have shed light on the suspected executor behind the elimination of Prigozhin, the leader of the Wagner gang. General Andrei Averyanov, allegedly responsible for the 2018 chemical attack in Salisbury, is believed to have played a key role in Prigozhin's demise.

Averyanov's Connection to GRU Unit 29155

Averyanov holds a significant position within GRU unit 29155. This unit, as highlighted by The New York Times and Bellingcat, has been associated with covert GRU activities across Europe, including the deployment of a chemical warfare agent by former Russian intelligence officer Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia in 2018.

British intelligence sources reveal that Averyanov led an operation involving the replacement of Wagner mercenaries in Africa with a contingent of 20,000 Russian troops. Notably, he shared a "long-standing hostile relationship" with Prigozhin.

Prigozhin's Africa Endeavor and GRU's Influence

Before his untimely demise, Prigozhin made a trip to Africa, reportedly to thwart the GRU's attempts to exert control over its operations on the continent. The Financial Times, citing informed sources, has reported on Prigozhin's efforts to resist the GRU's influence.

A Changing Landscape and Presidential Advice

Reports from the WSJ suggest that a month prior to the incident, Putin had advised the president of the Central African Republic to distance himself from Prigozhin, the founder of the Wagner gang.

The Role of Putin and Western Perceptions

While Western officials maintain that Putin personally sanctioned Prigozhin's elimination, the situation remains complex. US President Joe Biden remarked, "Not much happens in Russia without Putin's participation."

Reflecting on Prigozhin's Death

A former British intelligence officer stated, "The circumstances surrounding Prigozhin's death were expected. There had been speculation about the role of Averyanov in this matter."

Tragic Demise and Unfolding Consequences

Prigozhin's tragic fate was sealed when his Embraer Legacy 600 plane was shot down by a rocket on August 23. The aircraft crashed in the Tver region, a mere 50 km from Putin's residence. The plane carried ten individuals, including Prigozhin and Utkin, leaders of the Wagner gang.

Reporting from the Kavkaz-Center's Monitoring Department



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Tags: Prigozhin, British intelligence, GRU, Wagner gang, assassination, chemical attack


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British intelligence's findings provide insight into the individual believed to be behind the elimination of Prigozhin. General Andrei Averyanov's association with GRU unit 29155 and his role in various operations, including the Salisbury chemical attack, suggest a complex web of connections. As the world digests these revelations, questions about Putin's involvement and the larger geopolitical implications continue to arise.


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Averyanov heads GRU unit 29155. It has been described by The New York Times and Bellingcat as a covert GRU unit for terrorist acts in Europe, including the use of a chemical warfare agent by former Russian intelligence officer Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia in 2018.

Two British intelligence sources said that Averyanov led an operation to replace Wagner mercenaries in Africa with 20,000 Russian troops and had a "long-standing hostile relationship" with Prigozhin.

The Financial Times, citing several informed sources, reported that before his death, Prigozhin visited Africa, where he tried to prevent the GRU from taking control of its operations.

The WSJ's interlocutors claimed that a month earlier, Putin had advised the CAR president to distance himself from the founder of the Wagner gang.

At the same time, Western officials continue to believe that Putin personally gave the order to eliminate Prigozhin. “Not much happens in Russia without Putin's participation,” said US President Joe Biden, in particular.

“The way and time of Prigozhin’s death is not surprising. Many, including myself, thought his days were numbered. Around the mentioned name (Averyanov) there is a lot of talk. This is also not surprising, ”said a former British intelligence officer.

Prigozhin's Embraer Legacy 600 plane was shot down by a rocket on August 23 while flying from Moscow to St. Petersburg. He fell in the Tver region, 50 km from Putin's residence.

There were ten people on board, including the leaders of the Wagner, Prigozhin and Utkin.

Department of Monitoring



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