Title: Notes on Yggdrasil: Code Quality, Security, DNS

Source: Causa Arcana
Publication Date: July 28, 2021

This article analyzes the quality of Yggdrasil's code, its security level, and DNS functionality in this experimental network based on graph-based routing technology.

  • Code Quality:

    • The author highlights the simplicity of Yggdrasil’s code structure, making it easier to analyze and modify.
    • The use of Go as the programming language simplifies maintenance.
  • Security:

    • Yggdrasil ensures secure routing through cryptographic methods.
    • Potential vulnerabilities related to access to open network nodes are discussed.
  • DNS and Integration:

    • Limitations in working with DNS due to the network’s structure are explored.
    • Suggestions for improving domain name functionality in Yggdrasil are provided.
  • Conclusions:

    • While promising, Yggdrasil requires significant improvements in scalability, security, and user-friendliness.

Tags: #Yggdrasil #Network #Security #DNS #Technology

Releases: zhoreeq/meshname
GitHub Repository: Releases · zhoreeq/meshname

Example of Creating a Website on Yggdrasil

Yggdrasil enables launching websites in a decentralized and encrypted environment using built-in routing mechanisms and IPv6 support.


1. Preparation

  • Install Yggdrasil:
    Follow the official documentation to download and configure Yggdrasil for your system.

  • Verify Connectivity:
    Ensure your node is working with:

    yggdrasilctl getPeers

    Active connections should be visible.

  • Get Your Address:
    Once your node is running, you will have a unique IPv6 address, e.g.:


2. Configure a Web Server

  • Install a Web Server:
    Any web server supporting IPv6 will work, such as:

    • NGINX:
      sudo apt install nginx
    • Apache:
      sudo apt install apache2
  • Add IPv6 Configuration:

    • NGINX:

      server {
        listen [201:18a1:7c80::1]:80;
        server_name _;
        root /var/www/yggdrasil_site;
        index index.html;
    • Apache:

      <VirtualHost [201:18a1:7c80::1]:80>
        DocumentRoot "/var/www/yggdrasil_site"
        DirectoryIndex index.html
    • Restart the server:

      sudo systemctl restart nginx


      sudo systemctl restart apache2

3. Create Content

  • Create a directory for the site:
    mkdir -p /var/www/yggdrasil_site
  • Add an index.html file:
    <!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>Welcome to Yggdrasil</title>
        <h1>This is an example site on Yggdrasil!</h1>
  • Set permissions:
    sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/yggdrasil_site

4. Testing

  • In a Yggdrasil-connected browser, open the site at your node’s address, e.g.:

  • The site will be immediately accessible to other Yggdrasil users without DNS configuration.

5. Expansion & Optimization

  • Add HTTPS for extra security using certificates like Let’s Encrypt.
  • Optimize for high performance with caching and minimalistic design.

Pre-Built Cross-Platform Hosting Solutions:

  1. Caddy

    • Lightweight, IPv6 support, automatic HTTPS.
    • Configuration:
      [201:18a1:7c80::1]:80 {
         root * /var/www/yggdrasil_site
  2. Docker + Prebuilt Images

    • For isolation and simplified management. Examples:
      • NGINX:
        docker run -d --name ygg-nginx \
            -v /var/www/yggdrasil_site:/usr/share/nginx/html \
            -p [201:18a1:7c80::1]:80:80 nginx
      • Hugo:
        docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/ygg_site:/src klakegg/hugo
  3. ZeroNet for Yggdrasil

    • Decentralized, privacy-focused P2P sites.
  4. Node.js + Express.js

    • For dynamic custom web applications.
  5. PeerTube

    • Host video/media content with IPv6.
  6. GitHub Pages or Netlify via Proxy

    • Use HAProxy or Caddy for proxying requests to public hosting.

For quick deployment, Caddy or Docker with NGINX are ideal. For dynamic applications, use Node.js. If decentralization is key, ZeroNet is the way to go.



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